Thursday, June 10, 2010

Girl Meets Boy… Single

So apparently my Prince Charming must have took a wrong turn somewhere, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions. But that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun while he's making U-turns and listening to that annoying Tom Tom voice… RIGHT??

I’ve been single for about four months now and I am L-O-V-E loving’ it! As much as I love being in a relationship, being out of one is just as rewarding. I get to do what I want, well let’s face it; I ALWAYS DO WHAT I WANT. But every girl out there knows exactly what I’m talking about. You get some breathing room, the whole bed to yourself and more importantly you don’t have to explain yourself when your Sephora purchase ends up being equivalent to your electricity bill. Oh and not only do you get to look, but you can touch too.. or kiss :]

So in honor of my status change many of my posts are going to be based on the day to day life of a twenty something single girl in San Diego.

So cheers to good times with the girls, mango margaritas, the losers that couldn't handle us and the lucky ones who get to buy us drinks!

I bet Cinderella never had this much fun....


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hey, it's totally okay...

- If he’s a little rough around the edges, but something in his eyes looks exactly like where you want to be.

- To have more mascaras in your apartment than pots and pans.

- If you fall in love with guys that keep your dad awake at night.

-To change your mind a million times, it adds character.

- If Taylor Swift writes the soundtrack to your life. She is very wise for a nineteen year old.

-If ice cream makes you happy :]

- To think marines are stupid. And by stupid I mean drop dead sexy.

- If every now and then you check your morals at the door.

-To never have been or never will be “one of the guys”.


- To be living off of PB&J because you’re so broke, but wearing $40 foundation… One word: SACRIFICE

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey, it's totally okay...

-To sob uncontrollably in the movie theater.

-To have a weakness for men in uniform.

-To have a wild, crazy, promiscuous night, weekend.... or summer.

-To feel sorry for your ex's new girlfriend.. She really has no idea what she’s getting herself into!

-To refuse to be set up with your best friend's cousin's ex husband's brother-in-law.

-If your dream men include: Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney and Chuck Wicks. Wrangler butts drive me nuts!!

-To vote for the underdog every time... The Cubs, Colts or Jacob from Twilight : )

-If shoes make you happy. There is nothing wrong with being a little superficial.

-To still believe in Happily Ever After, Prince Charming and that Evil Bitch, I mean Witch.

Happiness is Free

Here are a few things that make me happy : ] (and by a few, I mean a lot)

My family...Summertime...North Idaho...Yoga...My sister...Sunscreen...Rain on a tin roof...Puppies...Snowball fights...Girls Nights...Tiffanys...Miley Cyrus...Ballet shoes...Clean Sheets...Chinese food...My friends...Church...Nicholas Sparks...Men in uniform...4th of July...Fall...Gerard Butler...Summer Nights...Fresh cut grass...Did I Mention Men in uniforms??...Peanut butter...April Showers...Taylor Swift...St Bernards ...The Dodgers...Grey’s Anatomy...Kayaking...Daisies...High heels...San Marcos...Target...Beach hair...Gossip Girl...Cowboy boots...Bows...Chips and Dip...Pools...Palm Springs...Thanksgiving...Football games...Boating...Nail Polish...Glitter...Home cooked meals...The beach...Driving with the windows down...Chocolate...Sleeping in

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey, it's totally okay...

-To have a "go to guy".
-To have your entire wedding planned out by the age of 14.
-For it to be all about you.
-To have absolutely no idea how to turn on an xbox, playstation or wii.
-To have a itty bitty crush oh your boss. To act on it, not okay!
-To use a high heel as a hammer.
-To consider Saved By The Bell, Full House, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch classics.
-To pick your summer baseball teams because of their colors. : ]
-To consider kissing a workout. Hey, it burns 26 calories a min! 30x26=780 calories.. that's like a yoga class!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hey, it's totally okay...

Hey, it's totally okay...

-To let someone else deal with it for once.
-To be jealous of Miley Cyrus. Have you seen her boyfriend?!
-To throw it all in the closet and consider it clean.. Out of sight, out of mind.
-To skip "Thirsty Thursdays" for Grey's Anatomy.
-To not know exactly what you're looking for.
-To get embarrassed when your 6'5 boyfriend orders a fruity drink with an pink umbrella and you order a beer.
-To forget a birthday, anniversary, midterm.... or underwear.
-To have absolutely no idea what's going on with the new health care bill, but know every detail of the cat fight between Jill and Bethany on the Real Housewives of NYC.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hey, it's okay!

I am completely obsessed with Glamour magazine, even more so the "100% Guilt Free" section. There is this fun little article called "Hey, it's okay..." and it lists ten or so hilarious reasons to feel guilt free. So to go along with all the "Not Me Mondays" and "Flashback Fridays", I'm going to start an "Hey, It's Totally Okay Thursday" (for copy write reasons, of course! And I'm a So Cal girl so totally is a staple in our vocabulary. Here are a few of my favorites, that are so me! I'll start writing down my own next week. Happy almost Friday everyone! xoxo

Hey, it's okay....

  • To hold out for a guy with a little bit of cowboy in him.
  • To weigh more than your boyfriend does. After all, he doesn’t have boobs or hips!
  • If a couple of your eight glasses of water were in truth, beers. Come on, it's summer!
  • If you haven’t inherited a secret family recipe, a piece of real estate or killer legs.
  • To take everything off before stepping on the scale- underwear, jewelry, ponytail holder.
  • To not know exactly why you’re crying.
  • If Taylor Swift’s songs of teenage love angst speak directly to your adult life.
  • If your mom still gets you an Easter basket.
  • To feel extremely relieved that the Star Wars mayhem is over. For good!
  • If you still need to think “righty tighty, lefty loosey” to screw and unscrew stuff.
  • To check yourself out in the mirror the second you get home from the gym, and think, skinnier!
  • To cringe when someone uses the phrase “making love.”
  • To start your to-do list with a task you’ve already done.
  • To tell your family that you met your current boyfriend through mutual friends and leave out the fact that those friends were Bud and Weiser.
  • To begin thinking about lunch at 9:35 am
  • To make out of the afghan your grandma crocheted for you. She wants you to be happy, right??
  • To secretly hope that your exes consider you the one that got away.
  • To find the word “panties” totally creepy.
  • To laugh inappropriately every time Maury says, “Billy Bob… you are the father”.
  • To wish you came equipped with guy GPS. Turn left at the next man to avoid heartbreak, recalculating.
  • To.Get.So.Ticked.Off.At.Him.You.Can.Only. Talk.Like.This.
  • To order the only wine you can pronounce.
  • To say #*&@ the last five pounds.
  • To make up your own Oscar acceptance speech. You know, just in case.
  • To believe your horoscope only on the good days.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mums The Word

From day one I have concidered myself a daddy's a girl. Who wouldn't be with a father like mine? He is the most gentle, kind hearted wonderful man I have ever known. And I love him with my whole heart. But as I grow into my own I'm starting to realize that the one person in this world that I need the most, is my mom. Not to say I love my father any less, but there is something so special and unique about a mother and daughter bond. There is no one that understands you as much as your mother does, and it's almost frightening how well mine gets me. So this is my "thank you" to you mom.

Thank you mom...

For being the backbone to our family.
For never saying "I told you so".
For your love.
For my sister.
For teaching me not to take no as an answer.
For pushing me.
For teaching me how to hammer in a nail with a shoe.
For your strength.
For your inspiration.
For my father.
For teaching me that the color pink, in no way goes with the color red.
For lifting me up.
For teaching me to bargin shop.
For being there when I have a bad day.
For showing me what a beautiful soul looks like.
For making me realize I can have it all.
For not allowing me to settle.
For showing me that you can have a family and a sucessful career.
For memories, the good, bad, funny and sad.
For your nose : ).
For your patience.
For not being perfect (that's way too boring).
For teaching me to roll with the punches.
For giving me someone to look up to.
For passing down your quirky sayings.

But most of all, thank you for being my mom, my beautiful, strong amazing mother. I am truely blessed to have you in my life. I love you.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Surprise Birthday Party + Disney Theme + Good Friends = A BLAST

Dear Jake,

You think you would learn from the first 27 Bachelors or so.... PICK.THE.GOOD.GIRL!! Good luck buddy, you're going to need it. UGH, MEN!!