Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey, it's totally okay...

-To have a "go to guy".
-To have your entire wedding planned out by the age of 14.
-For it to be all about you.
-To have absolutely no idea how to turn on an xbox, playstation or wii.
-To have a itty bitty crush oh your boss. To act on it, not okay!
-To use a high heel as a hammer.
-To consider Saved By The Bell, Full House, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch classics.
-To pick your summer baseball teams because of their colors. : ]
-To consider kissing a workout. Hey, it burns 26 calories a min! 30x26=780 calories.. that's like a yoga class!!

1 comment:

Monique said...

Totally ♥ these!