Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey, it's totally okay...

-To sob uncontrollably in the movie theater.

-To have a weakness for men in uniform.

-To have a wild, crazy, promiscuous night, weekend.... or summer.

-To feel sorry for your ex's new girlfriend.. She really has no idea what she’s getting herself into!

-To refuse to be set up with your best friend's cousin's ex husband's brother-in-law.

-If your dream men include: Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney and Chuck Wicks. Wrangler butts drive me nuts!!

-To vote for the underdog every time... The Cubs, Colts or Jacob from Twilight : )

-If shoes make you happy. There is nothing wrong with being a little superficial.

-To still believe in Happily Ever After, Prince Charming and that Evil Bitch, I mean Witch.

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