Hey, it's okay....
- To hold out for a guy with a little bit of cowboy in him.
- To weigh more than your boyfriend does. After all, he doesn’t have boobs or hips!
- If a couple of your eight glasses of water were in truth, beers. Come on, it's summer!
- If you haven’t inherited a secret family recipe, a piece of real estate or killer legs.
- To take everything off before stepping on the scale- underwear, jewelry, ponytail holder.
- To not know exactly why you’re crying.
- If Taylor Swift’s songs of teenage love angst speak directly to your adult life.
- If your mom still gets you an Easter basket.
- To feel extremely relieved that the Star Wars mayhem is over. For good!
- If you still need to think “righty tighty, lefty loosey” to screw and unscrew stuff.
- To check yourself out in the mirror the second you get home from the gym, and think, skinnier!
- To cringe when someone uses the phrase “making love.”
- To start your to-do list with a task you’ve already done.
- To tell your family that you met your current boyfriend through mutual friends and leave out the fact that those friends were Bud and Weiser.
- To begin thinking about lunch at 9:35 am
- To make out of the afghan your grandma crocheted for you. She wants you to be happy, right??
- To secretly hope that your exes consider you the one that got away.
- To find the word “panties” totally creepy.
- To laugh inappropriately every time Maury says, “Billy Bob… you are the father”.
- To wish you came equipped with guy GPS. Turn left at the next man to avoid heartbreak, recalculating.
- To.Get.So.Ticked.Off.At.Him.You.Can.Only. Talk.Like.This.
- To order the only wine you can pronounce.
- To say #*&@ the last five pounds.
- To make up your own Oscar acceptance speech. You know, just in case.
- To believe your horoscope only on the good days.